Do you find wide waters of viscera worth crossing?
Have you mastered the coma of disintegration and musk, but still yearn?

I am reading poetry this Saturday!!
Saturday, August 23, 8pm
at The Distillery
516 East Second Street
South Boston, MA 02127
I read with Hazel McClure and Aaron Tieger.
Please come!
Hazel McClure wrote Nothing Moving, a chapbook from Lame House press. Her work has been published in Mirage #4/ Period(ical), the tiny, Coconut and Can We Have Our Ball Back. She lives and writes in Buffalo.
Aaron Tieger's most recent books are Anxiety Chant (Skysill Press) and The Collected Typos of Aaron Tieger (Editions Louis Wain). Formerly the editor of CARVE Poems, he now publishes Petrichord Books in Cambridge, MA.